Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Real Life

Real life started again this morning. After over a week of sleeping in until 8 or 9 or sometimes 10, getting up this morning was torture. (It was 5 below outside, adding to the misery) Max had piano lessons at 8:00 and I went back to work this morning with the daycare kids.

Calvin is still waking up at night crying, so I bundled up all 5 kids for a trip to insta-care this morning. Two ear infections. Well, no wonder he has been miserable!

Here are a couple of photos from happier times last week. We took a quick trip to the zoo to ride the monorail. There was a ton of snow on the ground, so it was really easy to spot the animals outside.

Here is that cute baby who makes my ovaries hurt, Evelyn. She is so photogenic; when we get together I can't seem to stop taking photos of her!

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